The Must Have Furnishings

Happy Spaces

Be faithful to your own taste, because nothing you really like is ever out of style.

Billy Baldwin

Our home is supposed to be our sanctuary. To make a mere house a home, you need to fill it with things according to your taste. These things need to be functional, comfortable, chic and maintainable.Make your home your everyday-end retreat by including these furnishings.

Curtains hold the functional value of giving you privacy and based on the material of drapes you are using curtains can protect you from outside weather. You can always get creative with curtains, ranging from their length, material, texture and color , they can instantly change the complete look of the room.

Now that the walls and windows are beautified with curtains, Flooring is the bare canvas that can be made interesting. Add a traditional Persian style carpet or a digital printed rug based on the type of furniture you have.

Adding a coffee table at the center of the room on the carpet adds the sophistication the room deserves. If you want to add little quirkiness, use a wooden trunk which can double as a storage compartment for extra cushions or throw blankets.

Cushions instantly add the luxury and comfort quotient of the room. You have plethora of options ranging from shape of the cushion to the cover types. you can choose the cover types from crochets, satin, silks or the more luxurious looking velvet.

Yes, We must try and abstain from indulging ourselves in accumulating material possessions, But what is life without having things that make you happy around you!

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