Bust The Stress Like A Champ

Happy You

It is not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.

Hans Selye

We have built up the idea of perfect happy life in our minds so much so that any slight deviation from what we have imagined will plummet our peace of mind into an abyss. Be it any aspect of our life , Stress has become synonymous with thinking. Once we understand and accept that little stress will make us better, It is also necessary to be cautious because the slightest fluctuation in the levels of stress will effect our mind, body and every relationship.

Meditation is the best way to handle stress. It doesn’t necessarily have to be an hour session but at least ten minutes in the morning and before bed would be a fantastic start.

Now for people who find it hard to sit still, you have the below options to pursue to calm your nerves.

Routine is the most misunderstood word. Somehow the word routine has ended up being used interchangeably with ‘boring’. It is a must that you have a routine. Though you cannot get into and stick to one too soon, At least start with having a fixed waking and sleeping times. And the most mandatory thing that you must regulate in your routine is the daily screen time

Exercising will top everyone’s to do list and at the same time it will top the most neglected goal. We are biologically built with a need to be physically active. Exercising not only helps you in maintaining physical health but also your mental health by keeping your hormones balanced and counteracting any negative effects of stress.

Hobbies bring out the child in us but sadly we recall our hobbies only as a childhood memory. Hobbies can range from singing, dancing, sculpting, photography, crochet, embroidery, stamp or coin collection…Phew! the list is exhaustive. Pick your hobby back again and see your stress fade away.

Journaling often feels like a frivolous chore but it doesn’t necessarily have to be with a fancy book and a patented fountain pen! Just grab a book and start writing down about something as simple as your day or as serious as your deepest thoughts about life. Journals act as mirrors which show you the facets of you that you might usually overlook in the daily humdrum of everyday life and there by reducing your stress and anxiety levels.

Mental health issues are less evident than the physical ones. It is important that we withdraw ourselves from the busy life at least for few minutes everyday and look within.

CategoriesHealth Wellness Work

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