Skin Care 101 That Nobody Talks About

Your skin has a memory. In ten, twenty, thirty years from now, your skin will show the results of how it was treated today. So treat it kindly and with respect.

Jana Elston
Picture Credit : Noah Buscher

Though we are fully aware of the fact that the path to great skin is being consistent with your skin care routine for a long period, We still pick every product that promises ‘instant’ results.

Yes, you must check all the active ingredients before you buy any product but the best of the best ingredients won’t do their magic if you do not follow these basic skin care activities.


Sunlight and Skin remind us of one word- Sunscreen. Sadly after years of brain washing by brands, we forget how important is for skin to be exposed to early morning sun rays. We only remember how bad ultra violet rays are for our skin but miss out on the fact that sunlight is our major source for vitamin D. Skin can only be as healthy as your body is. Make sure you get enough sunlight preferably from early morning sun rays.


Steam baths have been around since ancient roman times. A recent skincare video by Jada Pinkett Smith proves how much steaming can help your skin. She suggests steaming for short intervals, say 1-2 minutes before every step of her routine. Steaming helps clean pores with less effort and pressure on the skin. It helps in flushing the toxins and absorption of potions you apply better.


Massages have been a method of detoxifying the lymphatic system in ayurveda. Dry Brushing is also another effective way to clean your lymphatic system. Massages also help you relax and tone the muscles. Including oils into your massage routine will help in providing that extra nourishment to your skin.


Exfoliation may sound harsh but it is a necessity for all kinds of skin types and tones. You just need to be careful about the type of exfoliator and process of exfoliation you choose. If you have sensitive skin choose chemical exfoliators and for normal skin choose physical exfoliators. Whatever maybe your skin type sloughing off those dead cells is a must for healthy skin.


Moisturizing is the key to delaying early onset of skin ageing. You oily skin Kings and Queens, rejoice because your wrinkles will be delayed compared to your dry skinned peers. And don’t be fooled by the oiliness of your skin, make sure you moisturize everyday. Irrespective of skin type try to choose a moisturizer that is non-comedogenic.

Skincare doesn’t have to be necessarily costly.
But it does demand your time and attention. You can choose homemade DIY facials but just be consistent with your routine.

CategoriesBeauty Health

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